Parcheggio Apartments
Parcheggio Apartments is a mixed use development located in Vicenza, Italy. As Vicenza was the home of Palladio, the site is surrounded by historic buildings such as the Teatro Olimpico and the Sanctuary of Santa Corona, where Palladio is buried. It is vital the new development fits sensitively within its surroundings. There is also an existing museum to the back of the site which is currently under used and is difficult to access. The site was bombed in World War 2 and since then, the space has been undeveloped and there is still evidence of something missing such as gaps in the street and uneven surface due to rubble The new development will contain a community art gallery, library, seminar room and cafe which will be open to the public and connect to the Areana dei Chostri di Santa Corona, the museum adjacent to the site. On the upper floors will be single bed, en-suite apartments with shared lviing and kitchen areas for students of the nearby universities and colleges as well as four two bed flats which can be hired for visitors and tourists. Most of the actives will be held within the two buildings which border the site and help reform the street edge. The cafe however, will be accessed through the sensory garden behind the main buildings which could also hold temporary exhibitions from the gallery or the museum. There is also an area to grow food which can be served in the cafe to encouraging the use of local produce. The cafe will also provide a bridge to the colonnades of the museum which creates improved access between the two areas